Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Welcome Class of 2013!

Dear Students and Families, I am Mrs. McDonald-Kojes. I teach 8th grade science. I am looking forward to an exciting year at MS390. We have high expectations for our students. We believe every student can achieve these goals with the support of the family and teacher. Our Science class will focus on enhancing the following: • Solving problems using the scientific method • Telling how living things are affected by their environment • Understanding of reproduction-heredity, evolution, force and motion and planetary science The supply list for this class includes Marble composition notebook Folder Box of tissues Glue Each student is to come prepared to class everyday on time with the following supplies: 2 working writing utensils, glue, any homework that was assigned, personal pencil sharpener with shavings holder. At the beginning of class: Get your Science Notebook and text and sit down before the bell rings or class starts. Silently copy the do now from the board and work on it. Get out your homework, if it was assigned. Please assist your student in providing a quiet place to study/do homework and the necessary school supplies. The grading policy is as follows- 40% Classwork 30% Labs, Exams, Projects` 20% Homework 10% Participation The following classroom expectations are in order to make our classroom a more effective climate for learning. 1. Respect people, opinions and property. (This means no talking out in class, passing notes, being disrespectful to others, and any other behaviors that may prevent someone from paying full attention to the class.) 2. Be on time and prepared for class everyday. (Ready to work = having materials.) 3. Raise hand to speak or leave your desk. 4. Speak appropriately. 5. Be task oriented. The following consequences will be used if a student does not follow the classroom expectations: 1. Verbal/non-verbal warning 2. Seat change/time out in another class 3. Parent Contact - note, email or phone call home 4. Guidance/administrative referral 6. Severe Disruption: Immediate referral (fighting, profanity) Students are expected to follow deadlines and time lines set for each assignment. Homework will be a large part of student responsibilities. Once you have entered the classroom, you MUST STAY in the classroom. Restroom passes WILL NOT be issued the first and last periods of the day—school rule! Every trimester you will receive a report card. A school wide mid-term progress report will be sent home around the middle of each grading period. Communication and parental involvement is vital to your child’s education. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. My preferred method of contact is by email (My email is Read my blog to stay current: The site can also be accessed through the MS390 school website. Please sign the permission for media consent you're student will be bringing home, we take pictures and may take videos in class. If you have any concerns about the media policy please contact me. Thank you for your help and support.