Thursday, July 10, 2008


Today we connected with the Challenger learning center for a distance learning mission. It was thoroughly enjoyable, stressful, chaotic and educational. We all survived, including, miraculously the residents of Montserrat. During the simulation the Soufriere Hills volcano located on the small island of Montserrat is ready to erupt at the same time a Category 3 hurricane is approaching the island from the east.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

contaminated towns

I am unable to make a link to the contaminated towns we created on Monday. I need webspace to do this. I will upload the scan here.

My town is a farm and an apple orchard. The fecal matter of the cows are contaminating the water of the lake with Cryptosporidium. Toxaphene is an insecticide used on cattle further contaminating the water. Oxamyl is leaching from the insecticide used for the apples. After this mess the Farmer tried to clean the lake by adding Chlorine to the water further contaminating the lake.

This was a great lesson that came from
Contaminants in the Water Cycle

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

online quizzes

Learning continues today. I learned how to make online quizzes. Aren't my students going to love this! I started with a very simple survey. Check it out here

Monday, July 07, 2008

Summer science PD

Today science teachers from the Bronx and upper Manhattan got together at the Bronx UFT center. Todays' topic was the water cycle. We had to draw a town and name some possible contaminants. I'm not very good a drawing as you know. But I did my best. Other teachers did fantastic. I'll put up a link to see our work if I can. Learning never ends!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nice to see some of you have checked out the blog and taken the poll. Senior trip is the favorite activity so far. The year is winding down and we will start presenting out exit projects in the first two weeks of June.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Most of the exit projects have been completed and handed in. Yeah! As soon as I have graded them they will be returned to you for presentation to the class. I hope to have some put onto the web.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

science grade 8

Here is a place for you to ask questions about the exit projects. Help each other out as well. If you know how to answer a question chat it up.